Send a teacher a back to school arrangement to brighten their day! Teachers work hard to give our kids the tools they need to succeed. Show them how appreciative you are for all that they do with a beautiful flower arrangement designed by our expert florists!
Teachers deserve a flower arrangement as beautiful as this! Kick-off the new school year with an intricately-designed flower arrangement to brighten their day! Teachers love decorating their classrooms, and this flower arrangement is the perfect way for them to feel at home!
Put a little smile on someone’s face with the Teleflora Be Happy Mug. Perfect for any occasion from birthdays, get well to just because.
Flowers may vary but we will get close to similar as pictured.
**one sided arrangement
Summer has ended, and it is time the kids to head back to school. Turn their frowns upside down and send them back with a smile by starting off this school year with a brilliant arrangement of flowers from As You Wish Floral Designs by Kimberly McCord. Nothing will cheer them up on their first day back like coming home to a bright arrangement of fresh flowers, designed with love and compassion by your local florist. Choose a basket of flowers to keep on your kitchen table as you talk about their new adventures at school, or a stunning vase arrangement for them to wake up to each morning reminding them of the bright day they have ahead of them. Take a look at our variety of Back To School Flowers to find the perfect way to celebrate the first day of a new school year!